Right now, everywhere we look, we’re surrounded by the news of Covid-19. The constant updates and non-stop news cycle have all of us on edge. It’s easy to want to give in to the fear. Then you see heartwarming stories of people all over the world, stepping up and helping each other out, which fill us with hope. While there are many out there donating money, food, and supplies, there are also those who are helping to make medical supplies for those in need.
If you’re like us and want to do more for those in your community, as well as workers in the medical field, making face masks is a way to help. There are plenty of online videos and tutorials for even the most basic sewer can make at home.
In case you don’t happen to have fabric laying around, we read an article about some of the best at home products you can use to create your DIY mask. Rounding up the top three, dish towels, cotton t-shirts, and pillowcases. Although surgical masks have the highest percentage of capturing smaller virus particles, when at home, these are some of the best items you can use. And if you have antimicrobial pillowcases, even better!
Trying to keep ourselves productive and busy while staying at home can be difficult during these times, especially when we’re being bombarded with so much on TV and our phones. That is why Chloe Dao and team have been working hard non-stop to make masks since last week. What started as a small gesture, has now become something bigger than itself. As the need for masks and protective gear for those on the front lines has increased, our team has shifted from making masks to the general public, and focusing on medical workers in our area.
There are plenty of ways to help if you would like to do your part. If you would like to make masks to donate, contact TxRx Labs. If you would like to give to our team while we continue to make masks, here is the link to make your contribution. There are so many organizations out there that could use donations, supplies and volunteers. Like time and time again, if we all work together, there is nothing we can’t do!
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